This is a short synopsis of the path to earning the CompTIA IT Fundamentals+. I sat for this exam for no other reason than to gain confidence and comfort with the online testing platform Pearson VUE.
My skill level exceeds that of the ITF+ certification. I don’t know by how much, but prep was negligible and questions were quite simple. Then why take it? Confidence. My very first CompTIA exam, for the A+ 1001, was a complete bust. I scored in the high 600’s. Failing and not even barely so–obviously failing. It was completely demoralizing. After failing I stopped all thoughts of taking certification exams (until JR brought up the AWS CCP). I was beyond nervous when I sat and took the AWS CCP. With COVID & the shift to taking exams from home, the exam was easier to schedule, but it didn’t help with the nerves. Thankfully I passed the CCP, but I was still nervous. I decided I’d take a simple certification as a ‘confidence booster’ before sitting the more expensive Security+. Obviously, that didn’t happen since I passed Sec+ before taking this exam!
After COVID started & companies were in full giveaway mode I registered for the CompTIA Certmaster program for the ITF+ that they were giving away. I went through a good portion of the program but focused on the practice questions. I found them generally easy. I intended to take the exam then (roughly June 2020) but decided against it.
In late Jan 2021 after passing CCP I decided to take the ITF+ before the Sec+ as a confidence booster. When I bought my Sec+ voucher I bought the ITF+. When it came time to schedule for Sec+, I was impatient and opted to just take the Sec+ before the ITF+. I passed Sec+. The next morning I registered for the ITF+. I passed. It was quite easy & will not benefit me in any way… but it’s done & i’ve gained a bit more confidence and experience with taking the online exams through Pearson VUE.